The Human-Caused Crisis

Humans change the earth more than all natural systems combined.


Humans have shaped the Earth’s crust to match our needs, over-extracted gases and oils from the earth’s core, poisoned the very air we breathe, manipulated and tampered with the genetic makeup of our food, exterminated species that once cohabitated this planet, and polluted our oceans and lands with mountains of single use waste for the sake of convenience. All of this for the sake of ‘advancement’, capitalism, and money.

The hard truth

  • Climate change

    Since pre-industrial times, the Earth has increased its average temperature by 1.1 °C due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. It is still possible to stabilize the climate at 1.5°C in order to prevent the worst case scenarios; however, that would require immediate and substantial action.

    - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

  • Water Pollution

    About half of the rivers and streams in the United States and more than one third of our lakes are unfit for fishing, swimming, or drinking due to pollution levels.

    - United States Environmental Protection Agency

  • Air pollution

    99% of the world’s population is exposed to air pollution that exceeds the WHO guidelines, and roughly, seven million people each year die from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory infections associated with air pollution.

    - World Health Organization

  • Plastics dominating the planet

    Today, 300 million tons of plastic waste is produced a year, and 91% of that is not recycled properly ending up in landfills, oceans, or the natural environment.

    Plastics can persist in the environment for centuries, and some never completely break down.

    - Natural Resources Defence Counsil

  • Oil Spills

    Despite the major headlining stories, most of the oil pollution that has ended up in the marine environments can be traced back to land-based sources such as factories, farms, cities, and even oil drippings from the millions of cars and trucks on the road.

    - Natural Resources Defense Council

  • What we know now

    Our way of life is not sustainable, and it is imperative that we mitigate our impacts on the environment before the damage becomes too great.

  • What is at stake

    Rising sea levels. Unprecedented high and low temperatures. Food insecurity. Drought. Flooding. Ocean acidification. More frequent and extreme inclement weather. Mass extinction.

  • What can be done

    Action begins at the individual level. Keeping this conversation alive and doing the research is good, but action needs to be taken in order to see results. Reflect on our way of life and find for yourself what would make the greatest impact.

Actions to Take

  • Talk about climate change often and become comfortable talking about this unsettling topic.

  • Use your voice. Vote. Hold decision makers accountable for their actions and promises they make and can’t fulfill.

  • Reduce the amount of meat and dairy products in your diet. Support local businesses and farmers markets.

  • Utilize public transportation as much as possible rather than an independent vehicle.

  • Cut back on flying as a means of transportation.

  • If you are able, switch to a renewable energy source, like wind or solar, to become more energy efficient.

  • Reuse as much as possible and consume less. Using a reusable water bottle can save thousands from ending up in a landfill or in our oceans for hundreds of years.


These are just a few things that can be done to make a lasting impact.